Tuesday, January 29, 2013


These are some of the flowers I brought home from my Floral Design class.  Some of them went to my daughter for her to make her very own arrangement.  She had a lot of fun and said next year she wants to grow lots of pretty flowers!

Monday, January 28, 2013


I think this barn looks like it has been through a lot in its lifetime!


Today's prompt was sun.  The sun came out briefly when we were driving home from church.  I took a short Sunday nap and by the time I woke up, the sun was gone and it was snowing again.


My son together with his basketball team.


I love this old barn/shed.  I drive by it anytime I take this road to town.  I love to have an excuse to take a picture of it!


I like to think that even the birds on the electric wires are kinda sick of winter.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I took lots and lots of pictures today of "corners."  I was trying to get just the perfect one.  I took several of different buildings on campus and none of them were quite what I wanted.  When I went past the football stadium with all the big flags hanging up, I thought it would be really cool to get a picture of the corner of the stadium.  I should have gotten out and walked around to get right where I wanted to be.  But I was freezing, so snapped a shot or two and called it good.  All things considered, I think it turned out pretty cool!

Friday, January 18, 2013


I was worried the sun wasn't going to come out at all today and I wouldn't know what to take a picture of.  Luckily, when we were headed home, the sun was out and I got the shadows of the trees and the fence of a neighbor.  I enjoyed looking around for shadows today.  Having a prompt each day definitely changes the way I look at the world around me!


Ready for Spring!!!

Two Things

Material for a skirt for me and a skirt for my daughter.

Ordinary Moment

Just an picture of an ordinary moment walking down the stairs to class.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Something Yellow

I am really enjoying using these prompts to take my pictures each day.  My daughter has said to me for the last three days: "What's the picture of the day mom?"  I thought I'd do something more inspiring today, but was ready to get home after subbing and so I just got a quick picture of a sign on the side of the road.


We had the baptism preview for all of our kids at church turning 8 this year.  I really wasn't in charge of the refreshments, but it worked out nicely to have so many circles for the picture!


My husband and I went to my parents to help my mom set up her new Kindle Fire.  I was freezing cold and decided to make some hot chocolate.  I got out of a mug to use and noticed it was one I have remembered my parents having ever since I was a little girl.  It was from a coal mine in the town I grew up in and it had the date on it...1979.  I went to take a picture and my dad said, "You can have that if you want it."  So I told him I didn't want it, I was just taking a picture for my picture of the day and that the photo prompt was surprise.  I said, "I think most people would be pretty surprised this mug has been around and in use for all those years!"  He said to me, "Well, come look at this."  And he took me to show me a bunch of old stickers from the mine as well.  So I decided that should be my picture instead. 

Friday, January 11, 2013


Today's prompt is "water."  It snowed and snowed and snowed last night.  When my husband was plowing the driveway so he could get out, this was the view of the icicles on the deck.

Paper / 1 o'clock

Wednesday's prompt was paper and I just never found anything that inspired me.  Today's prompt was 1 o'clock.  When I got to school they had the New York Times on display to take a free copy of.  So I combined paper and 1 o'clock.  I could have been studying, but spent a little time reading the paper instead.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Something Beginning with "T"

I haven't had a night class for a few years now, but this semester I found one that would work pretty good with my schedule.  I took this picture walking back to my Jeep after class was over.  I had taken several additional pictures throughout the day of "T" things and couldn't pick one so I showed them to my kids.  My daughter said this was her favorite and that was good enough for me! 

Monday, January 7, 2013


I absolutely love taking pictures and recording life's little moments.  I was looking at my family's photo book from 2012 and noticed I have about 30 pictures of my kids going to the bus stop.  While my kids are amazing and a huge part of my life, I decided for this year I need to branch out a bit with my picture-taking. On pinterest I found this blog: Fat Mum Slim: living life inspired and more specifically a link to her January 2013 photo prompts.  I will be using these prompts for my photos this year and the title of each post will be her prompt for the day.  Today's prompt was street.

I went with my friend in to town to the craft store.  After our shopping I was planning to take a picture of the street out front.  However, when my friend's little son stood on the mound of ice as we were heading in to shop, I knew that had to be my picture!  He is in kindergarten and the cutest thing.