Monday, January 7, 2013


I absolutely love taking pictures and recording life's little moments.  I was looking at my family's photo book from 2012 and noticed I have about 30 pictures of my kids going to the bus stop.  While my kids are amazing and a huge part of my life, I decided for this year I need to branch out a bit with my picture-taking. On pinterest I found this blog: Fat Mum Slim: living life inspired and more specifically a link to her January 2013 photo prompts.  I will be using these prompts for my photos this year and the title of each post will be her prompt for the day.  Today's prompt was street.

I went with my friend in to town to the craft store.  After our shopping I was planning to take a picture of the street out front.  However, when my friend's little son stood on the mound of ice as we were heading in to shop, I knew that had to be my picture!  He is in kindergarten and the cutest thing. 

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